The “Beyond Divine” series explores the transformation of traditional forms and historical motifs into a contemporary context. This approach is the basis for Klimentyeva's examination of Christian icons. The original compositions are reduced to a few characteristic features such as halos, attributes of various martyrs or abstract levels of landscape. The result of this process are positions that combine contemporary minimalism with a historical visual language.
The motif of an icon is so deeply anchored in our (western) consciousness that a golden circle combined with the dedicated format of the classic icon boards is sufficient to recognize what is represented as an icon and, depending on the subject, to establish links to the original image.
Klimentyeva's series is an approach to gain a new, modern perspective on the traditional values of the church as an institution. The approach to faith and one's own spirituality has changed, especially among the younger generations. The "Beyond Divine" series gives the viewer the space to question and deepen his own attitude and thoughts in relation to faith.
Jan Gustav Fiedler
Vienna, March 2021